Retired Male Standard Poodles

"Blue" Sunridge Midnight Blue, a blue male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Midnight Blue

Spencer - Sunridge Unforgettable Dreamz

Porcha - Sunridge Crystal Princess

A blue male Standard Poodle

A member of our family

"Cyrus" Sunridge Untouchable Vision, a silver male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Untouchable Vision

Elliott - Timber Ridges Untouchable, CH

Crystal - Sunridge Crystal Vision

A silver male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Dexter" Sunridge Moonlight Dream Maker, a white male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Moonlight Dream Maker

Cyrus - Sunridge Untouchable Vision

Miss Dee - Sunridge Fire In The Moonlight

A white male Standard Poodle

In our breeding program

"Elliott" Timber Ridges Untouchable, CH, a white male Standard Poodle


Timber Ridges Untouchable, CH

Magin Driving Me Crazy, CH

Comet's Timber Ridge Tiny Dancer, CH

A white male Standard Poodle

Beyond the rainbow bridge

"Gideon" Sunridge Gallant Midnight Warrior, a silver male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Gallant Midnight Warrior

Sid - Amandi's Midnight Blue

Zena - Sunridge Warrior Princess

A silver male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Jackson" Prairieland Silver Knight, a silver male Standard Poodle


Prairieland Silver Knight

Rocky - Mithril Rockin The Prairieland

Piper - Mithril Piper In the Sky

A silver male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Marz" Brienwoods Impressive Leap, a black male Standard Poodle


Brienwoods Impressive Leap

Brienwood's Leap To High Standard, AM CH, UKC GCH, IT CH

Brienwoods Lasting Impression, UKC CH

A black male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Monet" Mill Rose Masterpiece, a white male Standard Poodle


Mill Rose Masterpiece

Talley - Graphic Metalica, AM/INT CH~TP

Giselle - Graphic Blacktie Celebrity, AM CH

A white male Standard Poodle

Beyond the rainbow bridge

"Ripley" Sunridge Believe It Or Not, a blue male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Believe It Or Not

Spencer - Sunridge Unforgettable Dreamz

Paris - Sunridge Crystal Masterpiece

A blue male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Rocky" Prairieland Rock Me Babe, a white male Standard Poodle


Prairieland Rock Me Babe

Rocky - Mithril Rockin The Prairieland

Cher - Prairieland I Got You Babe

A white male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Sid" Amandi's Midnight Blue, a blue male Standard Poodle


Amandi's Midnight Blue

Shadow - Comets Timber Ridge Moonshdw, Ch

Mandi - Amandi Head In The Clouds

A blue male Standard Poodle

Beyond the rainbow bridge

"Spencer" Sunridge Unforgettable Dreamz, a white male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Unforgettable Dreamz

Elliott - Timber Ridges Untouchable, CH

Shimmer - Sunridge Shimmering Dreamz

A white male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Zeke" Sunridge Midnight Warrior Prince, a silver male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Midnight Warrior Prince

Sid - Amandi's Midnight Blue

Zena - Sunridge Warrior Princess

A silver male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Zeus" Sunridge Midnight Warrior, a blue male Standard Poodle


Sunridge Midnight Warrior

Sid - Amandi's Midnight Blue

Zena - Sunridge Warrior Princess

A blue male Standard Poodle

At a forever home